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Shop Owner - Inkboy

A photo of the shop owner, inkboy

Anthony “Ink Boy” Chestnut is a tattoo artist and creative entrepreneur with over 17 years of experience. New York born and Baltimore raised, Inkboy’s personal style rolls over into his artwork and his writing. As a free spirit that commands a room, his pieces reflect that as well. When tattooing, he uses precision and focus for incredible details with finishing touches that brings it all home. The same can be said of his writing. As a creative writer his goal is to use that same precision to paint a visual picture that the reader can relate to and vibe with. As a professional tattoo artist, Ink Boy has owned several shops in the Baltimore area: The Hole Story, Haus of Ink, Haus of Ink II and FREE INK studios. His shops have been the go to spot for not only great art, and professional body modifications but also great conversation and perspective. Ink Boy sets out to encourage emotional and mental freedom and independence as he services each client. Known as “The Cover up King,” he is able to bring new life to body parts that were once covered by shame. He is well known and respected in his city. The trust he has built on his reputation alone leaves people trusting his opinion and allowing him to create for them. One of his recent passions has been advancing his love for writing and art by authoring a children’s book, and also starting several businesses. His creativity and drive has no limit and he is always up for the next big thing and adventure.

Introducing "InkPath: Transforming Lives, One Tattoo at a Time"

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At InkPath, at Circa ink llc tattoo studio we have a powerful mission: to empower and support former gang members in their journey towards reintegration into society. We understand that visible gang tattoos can serve as a significant barrier to employment and a constant reminder of a past life. That's why we offer a unique opportunity for individuals seeking a fresh start. Our dedicated team of skilled artists collaborates with these individuals to design and create meaningful cover-up tattoos that not only help them leave their gang past behind but also showcase their personal transformation. Through our comprehensive program, we go beyond skin-deep transformations, providing a holistic approach to their reintegration. In addition to offering professional tattoo services, InkPath focuses on preparing these individuals for the workforce. We provide personalized career counseling, job training, and mentorship programs to equip them with the skills, confidence, and network necessary to secure sustainable employment. By empowering them with a clean slate and a newfound sense of purpose, we believe they can rewrite their life narratives and become successful, contributing members of society. With your support, InkPath aims to break the cycle of violence and recidivism, fostering hope, and enabling these individuals to rewrite their stories. Together, let's harness the transformative power of tattoos to create a brighter future for former gang members, one inked path at a time.If you would like to donate to help cover cost:

PayPal, CashApp, Zelle:

Artist Bio - Blaze

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Born and raised in Baltimore, Blaze is a multifaceted, father of two who has always had a love for art - whether it be music, drawing and painting, customizing sneakers, or carpentry; when he has a vision, he makes it come to life. Blaze started tattooing in 2009 when he got his first machine as a gift, and the rest is history. Blaze has done countless tattoos, ranging from cute and dainty hearts to large chest and back pieces, but his favorite style is cartoons. The attention to detail that Blaze has helps him to continue to sharpen his skill with the ink and needle. He practices with new techniques and equipment to ensure the best possible outcome for his clients. Like a true artist, Blaze takes his time to understand his canvas and the art that is going on it.


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At CircaInk Tattoo Studio, we take pride in not only self expression but also self education. The JourneyInk program will allow artists and new comers to the Tattoo industry a unique, a la carte Tattoo learning experience. Each paid session is an investment to each individual's personal artistry. Sessions include: Introduction to line work, colors, and shading to more advanced lessons such as portrait work and even piercings! No matter what your walk of life, JourneyInk is here to help educate and guide you through.

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